
Matt's Jamifesto

I believe AstroJam! should strive to demonstrate the potential of digital and interactive artwork. Through an effective combination of innovation and design its creations must be thought provoking yet accessible.

The internet brings to light many possibilities to exhibit and interact with art as well as a means of communication and information. The critical gap is in the distinct lack of a solely internet art based sector. AstroJam! has the potential to redefine the experience as a viewer.

Alternative methods of control for the viewer can in hindsight release the viewer from his static position and emphasise the need to fully engage with a piece.

My personal aims:

  • Progress the conceptual basis of AstroJam!
  • Search for possible applications of Programming
  • Collaborate in finding new contexts that ideas can be established within
  • Experiment!!
  • To have one more or more developed ideas ready for degree show.

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